Interview d²X consultant : Franck Legrand

21 June 2019

Franck Legrand, Project Director and d²X consultant since 2011, agreed to answer a few questions about his experience at d²X.


Why did you join d²X?

I joined d²X almost 8 years ago. I trusted the company because I knew one of the founders and almost all the consultants when one of them co-opted me.

Being in a consulting firm was also a concept that suited me. Being a consultant suited me better than working internally for a client. I wanted to have an external vision and an expert role and I found it more interesting to put things in place than to manage the routine within a department of the company. For that, you must know how to impose yourself, question yourself and not stay in your comfort zone, which I liked.

What do you think is the strength of d²X today?

Our strength is the positioning in "steering commitments". All the consultants have a different background, but this common positioning allows us to help each other and capitalize on our experiences.


What are the specificities of your job?

I have a technical job, in management and organization of production as well as in customer support, project leadership, security, etc.

The goal is to make customers adhere to an organization proposal: it requires full knowledge of the context and change management. It is necessary to allow the client to take into consideration the information given and let him consider this organizational proposal.

What are you working on right now?

My mission is the first mission with a new client. I worked on Asset Management and then continued with new challenges in supporting the organization. This is not a common type of mission: you must keep the daily routine running, manage a common business. We are not here to reorganize a service or making long-term plans.


What was your most emblematic mission at d²X?
  • To me, it was when I was a Production Manager for a client in transport as I had the opportunity to manage 30 people,
  • For d²X, it was when I was Project Director for the relocation of a television channel (IT relocation, including TV broadcasting, logistics, furniture, etc.).
What makes the difference at d²X?
  • We organize "meet and greet sessions" with collaborators: we meet each other every month to talk about d²X and meet new collaborators. I almost never miss them!
  • We never leave a d²X collaborator without assistance/on the loose
  • We participate in calls for tenders. I make myself available to qualify the clients’ needs, to explain to the consultants the needs and help them prepare themselves.