d²X Expertise extends its collaboration with the United Nations Global Compact

05 March 2020

d²X Expertise reiterates its support for the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

 Through this commitment, d²X undertakes to implement actions for continuous improvement in accordance with the principles of the Global Compact. This continuous improvement is integrated into the strategy, culture and daily operations of our company. It is a commitment to share this information with our stakeholders through our main communication channels.

Issue of the topic

A voluntary initiative based on management commitments to implement universal sustainability principles and to take action in support of UN goals.

The ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact :


Global Compact

(credit to the Official Global Compact website : https://www.unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/mission/principles

Corporate sustainability starts with a company's value system and a principled approach to doing business. Responsible companies apply the same values and principles wherever they operate and know that good practice in one area does not compensate for damage in another.

By integrating the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact into strategies, policies and procedures and by building a culture of integrity, companies are not only fulfilling their fundamental responsibilities to people and the planet, but also paving the way for long-term success.


Compliance with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact has led us to set up workgroups on the ten principles.

For example, in its involvement in Human Rights, d²X has set up an « code of ethics » which highlights to its consultants, partners and clients the four professional and ethical commitments: Performance, Commitment, Fairness and Loyalty.

As part of its commitment to preserving the planet, d²X has implemented low-energy light bulbs on all its lighting fixtures at the Paris site, recycled Nespresso capsules and eliminated cardboard cups for example.

d²X Expertise continues its determination to respect social and labour laws and regulations (DIRECCTE in France, OCIRT in Switzerland, Ministry of MANPOWER in Singapore). In compliance with the conventions issued by the International Labour Organisation by setting up a comitology of the staff representative bodies. By not discriminating in hiring, in daily relations within the company and for all employees. The company's entire workforce is made up without distinction, in particular as to race, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, political opinion, national origin or social origin.

d²X fights against all forms of corruption by making all collaborators aware of the principle of anti-corruption and by subjecting the accounts of its entities to verification by auditing bodies: statutory auditors & auditors depending on the country.

The company is also committed to respect social and labour laws and regulations (DIRECCTE in France, OCIRT in Switzerland, Ministry of MANPOWER in Singapore). In compliance with the conventions issued by the International Labour Organisation, d²X has set up a comitology of employee representative bodies and does not discriminate in hiring, in day-to-day relations within the company and for all staff. The entire workforce of the company is made up without distinction, in particular on the basis of race, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, political opinion, national origin or social origin.

Finally, d²X continues its fight against all forms of corruption. The company raises the awareness of all collaborators on the principle of anti-corruption and submits the accounts of its entities to verification by auditing bodies: statutory auditors & auditors depending on the country.


d²X expresses its willingness to integrate the principles of the United Nations Global Compact by implementing actions aimed at respecting human rights, the environment, international labour standards and anti-corruption.

Thank you to Geoffroy DANIEL for this article!