Dexia entrusts to d²X Expertise a new steering mission

07 July 2014

d²X Ile de France is awarded a new contract by Dexia and simultaneously welcomes Stéphane COLOMBOT as a new collaborator...


d²X Expertise receives the RCP label of the PMI

19 June 2014

pmi consultan registry logo 2c

d²X Expertise is now part of the companies listed in the Project Management Institute Consultant Registry

The RCP (Registered Consultant Program) of the PMI lists the businesses recognised by the PMI as capable to deliver services of Project Management, Program Management and Portfolio Management.

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The SFIL entrusts to d²X Expertise a mission of relocation steering

12 May 2014

The relocation of the SFIL, from the DEXIA site in Paris-La Défense to a new site in Issy-les-Moulineaux (in development), is expected in the 4th quarter 2014. It concerns around 500 people.

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Annual congress of the Swiss Society of Project Management

20 February 2014


The SMP - Société Suisse de Management de Projet - organises on the 23rd and 24th April 2014 its 20th annual congress. Over 600 project management professionals are expected to share their experiences, to learn and to develop their network.


Where we talk DevOps at the IT Innovation FORUM

17 December 2013

The d²X Expertise team was once again present during the IT Innovation FORUM organised by the CRIP (Club des Responsables d'Infrastructure et de Production) on 10th December 2014.

Beside a stand raised in the sponsor villages, allowing to inform visitors of our position, the feedback session accomplished in plenary by one of our clients on the DevOps subject has raised great interest. Presented within the session « Governance and cost analysis », our solution was considered innovative or very innovative by more than 72% of the auditors, the other product-orientated presentations (optimisation of licenses, etc...) coming second.


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