Maintenance and Exploitation Optimization
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d²X Expertise has made it possible to optimize the exploitation costs within Alptis' IT Department.
ALPTIS is an associative, mutual insurance company essentially active in complementary health and pension savings. Its IT Services Department, based in Lyon, consist of 70 employees, not including the external service providers. ALPTIS has relied on d²X to organize and optimize its production implementation and operation services.
d²X Expertise collaborated with the IT department, in order to :
- Propose a production and infrastructure target organization,
- Develop, with management control, a more detailed reporting on the actual use and costs of IT resources,
- Set up an effective interface between development and production implementation,
- Collaborate with procurement to establish a qualification process for infrastructure purchases.
Issues & Goals
In an effort to improve the services level and to reduce operating costs, ALPTIS wishes to :
- Define and implement a controlled go-live production process,
- Refine its budgetary control for better re-invoice IT production costs,
- Strengthen the infrastructure and licenses procurement process,
- Identify sources of financial gain.
The intervention of d²X Expertise has made it possible to :
- Limit service disruptions due to upgrades and improve communication towards the users,
- To give the EXCOM the financial elements to re-invoice the IT costs to the business units,
- To put in place an IT investment plan incorporating gains and clear visibility on the associated amounts.