- Organiser
- Piloter
- Recruter
- Former
- Outiller
- Administrer
Created in 1997, Réseau Ferré de France has as missions the management of the network (planning, development) and of the assets (enhancement of the national railway network).
The IT operation of RFF is outsourced by Neurones and covers :
- user support (2000 users),
- the technical infrastructure projects,
- the BTI in charge of the technical management of the infrastructures (400 Windows & Unix servers),
- the BTA charged with the technical management of the applications (100 applications).
Neurones and RFF have entrusted to d²X Expertise the responsability of the BTA.
Beyond the daily steering of the entity, it is a question of managing its evolutions in the aim of :
- reinforcing the cell's workforce (from 2 to 10 people),
- raising their skills on technical and application aspects,
- capitalising / guaranteeing the ownership of the existing and future applications (retro-engineering, documentation, steering),
- standardise and reorganise the production.
Issues & Goals
During the creation of the RFF, the acquisiation phase did not allow the BTA's rise in skills and the management of the missions it was responsible for : exploitation and integration (guarantee of the exploitability) of the applications in the IS.
These activities had to be taken over by application project managers and TPAM teams.
To restore the role of the BTA in its integrity is an essential challenge.
Enrichment of the role of Neurones in developing the applications' management activity, necessary to the exploitation of the IS.
Transformation of the IT production in compliance with state of the art strandards.