Some of our best references concerning the steering of Portfolio, Programs, Projects and Ops...

Customer Topic Résumé
Contract Management Image 1
Contract Management
Within the IT Department, d²X Expertise accompanied SFIL through its contract management.
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Contract Management
As part of the "M-ticket" project, d²X accompanied Kisio to manage and control all of its services contracts.
Portfolio Management Image 1
Portfolio Management
d²X Expertise intervenes in the business units responsible for the cross-functional tools
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Portfolio Management
Within the IT production department of BNP Switzerland, d²X Expertise has successfully carried out several business or cross-functional projects.
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Process management
The intervention of d²X Expertise made it possible for SFIL to implement its processes and to keep them in operational condition via optimized maintenance.
Project Management Image 1
Project Management
d²X Expertise has taken charge of a video-streaming project within BNP.
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Project management
d²X Expertise has assumed responsibility for an infrastructure partitioning project for the Operations Center of the Canton of Vaud.
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Project Management Office
d²X Expertise has contributed to the PMO cell of Decathlon thanks to its know-how in steering, synchronizing and cutting large projects.
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Project Steering
Within the Descours & Cabaud CIO, d²X Expertise has steered series of projects revolving around infrastructures, application flows and application validation.
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ITIL Implementation
Within the IT Operator, a d²X Expertise team has had the mission to define the strategy through processes (transversality, continuous improvement, etc ...).

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Success stories

Process management
The intervention of d²X Expertise made it possible for SFIL to implement i ...
Project Governance
The respect of the deadlines and the smooth flow of information enabled d² ...
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